Appleton C of E Primary School

School Meals

Our delicious school meals are cooked on site by OCC catering. Our wonderful team, Denisa and Emily, provide a super menu which is changed termly. There is always a light bite available if your child doesn't fancy the menu choice of the day. 



 Vegan options are available on request. If your child’s diet does not suit any of the menus due to food allergies or intolerances, religious or cultural beliefs, please inform the school office so alternatives can be made available.

Lunches are chosen on the day during registration.

Healthy eating and Packed lunches: Packed lunches should include a drink which is separate from their water bottle, specifically for lunch time. This can be a carton of fruit juice or more water but please do not pack fizzy drinks. We encourage children to eat healthily and would appreciate your co-operation in avoiding sweets, chocolates or large amounts of sugary items. For more information and advice on healthy lunches, see our Whole School Food Policy and packed lunch letter.

We are a nut free school - it is important we do not bring nut products into school as we have members of our school community with serious nut allergies. /docs/Policies/Health_and_Wellbeing/PACKED_LUNCH_LETTER.pdf/docs/Policies/Health_and_Wellbeing/WHOLE_SCHOOL_FOOD_POLICY.pdf